Ultimate Guide to Buy a Genuine Leather Bag


Selecting the right women’s genuine leather bag may sound like a daunting task if you’re not a connoisseur of real leather bags. But don’t panic, I’m here to guide you!

This is an example of a women’s genuine leather bag

First let’s start by discussing which types of leather are used for bags.

There is the full-grain leather, which refers to leather that wasn’t sanded or buffed out to remove imperfections or marks. This is the highest quality for real leather bags because It includes the entire thickness of the skin thus allowing additional strength and durability.

This is an example of a full grain women’s genuine leather bag

Next on the pole of quality for real leather bags is the top-grain leather. This is a split layer with the imperfections taken away, which makes it thinner and easier to work with. Top-grain leather is the second highest quality for women’s genuine leather bags. It’s, however, the most common leather that is used for high-end products like handbags. The surface is sanded and finished giving it a smooth look and feel. The finish takes away most of the breathability but prevents stains that would sink into full-grain leather.

Now, let’s talk about my favorite type of leather, Suede. Suede is the underside of the skin and has a napped surface. It is formed from split leather and has a top grain rawhide that is removed to leave behind the drop split. It can be further divided or sanded to reach the appropriate thickness. It’s thinner and absorbs liquid easily because of its porous surface, which makes it less durable. 

This is an example of a suede real leather bag

Bonded leather is the lowest quality of leather since it’s made from left over shredded scrap pieces of leather. The shreds are bonded together using polyurethane or latex on top of a fiber sheet. 

Now that you know about the different types of leather, it’s easier to make a selection for a genuine leather bag. My personal preference is the suede because I love the way it feels. Others may not. At the end of the day, whatever you like is the best as style is ultimately about personal taste.  


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